The Ultimate "Never Too Late for Love" Story

Posted by Leticia, 29 Oct

James and Geraldine had lived long lives—let’s just say both are eligible for senior-citizen discounts—but found themselves single and looking for love.  Loneliness drove Geraldine, a retired Texan, to join our site.  James, a farmer in Iowa, signed up because he saw that there were “a number of available women, and pretty ones!”

Many couples admit that, at the outset, they weren’t confident online dating would bring them the love they sought.  But these two, despite growing up in a world without personal computers, much less the Internet, had a good feeling about it right from the start.  “I felt that the one for me was on this site,” Geraldine says.  James agrees.  “I felt positive I would find someone.”

Find your soulmate on LatinoLicious

James was a member for five months and Geraldine for five weeks before their paths crossed.  She viewed his profile and was struck by his stoic charisma.  Geraldine elaborates, “I was impressed with his overalls and his smile.”

James saw that an attractive woman in his age range had checked him out.  So he looked her up.  “I liked her profile… her smile and puppy-dog brown eyes,” he recalls.

They whiled away pleasant hours on the phone, joking around and getting to know each other.  Their passions in life were similar: religion, politics, dancing.  But there is one common interest they have yet to share.  “We like bowling, but we have not been able to find open lanes yet,” James laments.

The road to romance was bumpy at first.  On the evening of their first date, the moon and stars were not in evidence and between the darkness and Geraldine’s GPS device, fate conspired to delay her.  She arrived much later than expected.  “I was hooked to the point of driving 1250 miles, due to a TomTom error, to meet him in person!” She says.

“I was pacing the floor until she came,” James chimes in.  Geraldine might have arrived frustrated, but she left with the certainty that her long journey was not in vain.  “I was sure we were a match,” she says.  “And we continued to see each other…”

At this stage of his life, James prefers to speak the unvarnished truth.  Geraldine appreciated his candor about his intentions for dating.  James says, “I told her I wouldn’t string her along.  Either I would marry a woman or dump her.”

Well, he sure didn’t dump her.  One day, the couple went out on a normal outing.  “I took her to the jewelry store and it was closed on Monday, but the owner happened to be in the building and let us in.”

Just like that, they were picking out engagement rings.  “I am marrying my Jim and can hardly wait,” Geraldine laughs.  “He considers my every feeling before he does anything.  He is the joy of my life even though we are in our senior years.”

James dotes on Geraldine and fixes breakfast for her every day.  It sure doesn't feel like work.  “We’re acting like 20-year old kids, kissing in public,” he says.  “Gerri and I get along great.  I am as happy as I have been in years.  I grin like an old possum all of the time!”

With their accumulated life experience filtered through the joy of an autumn romance, both James and Geraldine have wisdom to share with singles still looking.  “Be truthful with the people you meet,” she advises.  “Don’t try to change anyone to make them what you want them to be.”

“Life is nothing but a speck in time,” James says.  “Take it from someone who is over 70 years old.  A person is non-reloadable.  Don’t play games.”

185 responses to "The Ultimate "Never Too Late for Love" Story"

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  1.   Sqorpman says:
    Posted: 08 Sep

    Yes,it's never too late to love. I'm wanting to be with that certain someone and hope she keeps me under her lock and key

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  2.   EELL2 says:
    Posted: 01 Mar

    I like their love story.I hope I will get my match soon.Just tired of this site.Have been here for long.Lol!! no one serious yet

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  3.   Flirty53 says:
    Posted: 14 Oct 22

    Beautiful love story, I’m still holding on to faith. My turn is coming.

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  4.   Cawiggy says:
    Posted: 14 Oct 22

    Beautiful stories!

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  5.   Shondel67 says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 21

    A beautiful and touching love story. Just goes to show, that age does not matter. The right person will find you!

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  6.   Butterfree says:
    Posted: 07 Aug 21

    This is real love. Beautiful soul mates. The truth meaning of not playing games. Love has no age limit . You would think it was their golden anniversary. I wish them faith, happiness, and being yourself. Love conquers all .

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  7.   Snm60 says:
    Posted: 07 Aug 21


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  8.   Twizzle818 says:
    Posted: 07 Aug 21

    What a beautiful story. It brought tears to my eyes. I'm so happy for them.

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  9.   jackykenyan says:
    Posted: 07 Aug 21

    That was story and half wish I will find my dream white man here and I forfill my dreams best of luck the senior couple. Jackie

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  10.   Fgwilson says:
    Posted: 02 Feb 20

    I hope that one day is going to be mine

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  11.   Babykech says:
    Posted: 29 Aug 19

    I'm impressed guys. Your love story has given me hope at last. I have been thinking that I'm too old to be here let alone searching for a soulmate. But after reading about you guys, I'm certain I will find love here. Thanks for helping my faith and congratulations. Your union will last long blessed.

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  12.   nataliaphii says:
    Posted: 27 May 19

    Love stay blessed best wishes always

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  13. Posted: 07 May 19

    I just turned 60 and hope with all my heart that isn't too late for me. Sometimes I feel that I am too strong in my profile but I don't want any misunderstandings, just true friendship, companionship, and that order.

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  14.   Phanice31 says:
    Posted: 28 Apr 19

    Wow nice

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  15.   Wejie says:
    Posted: 10 Apr 19

    Nice day it will be my story,I'm still searching...

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  16.   Chickenroom says:
    Posted: 20 Feb 19

    I am similarly looking for mine with deep and sincerely love,

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  17.   B.panther says:
    Posted: 27 Nov 18

    Oh wow.

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  18.   happyne2 says:
    Posted: 19 Nov 18

    Wow its so nice

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  19.   Ladysarp says:
    Posted: 03 Aug 18

    Am happy for you, you are lucky enough to meet your soul mate, it beautiful, I pray for the same thing to happen to me as I keep searching, enjoy it to the fullest

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  20.   Beingrealme says:
    Posted: 15 May 18

    You can be in love at any age, wow.

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  21.   Coffebro says:
    Posted: 14 May 18

    Its sound great hearing all these stories. Hope to find mine soon

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  22.   jimmy701 says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 18

    Will let you all know how things turn out later. she name is goldfishh should have Hershey gold cause she is CHOCOLATE GOLD and I MEAN GOLD

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  23.   jimmy701 says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 18


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  24.   goodsweetie says:
    Posted: 09 Apr 18

    Nice story, hope to find my soon. God bless the both of you may you both live long to enjoy this great love together in Jesus name AMEN

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  25.   Hori204 says:
    Posted: 03 Apr 18

    Lovely story wish them all the best hoping the best for us

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  26.   73Danny says:
    Posted: 02 Apr 18

    Happy Easter to you all. Some of us have been members for a long time but havent met the right one yet. I had Chats with very nice women here but the Luck of Patience from one side could not keep the Conversation going. It doesnt take only one Partner to Sacrifice during the Dating period. Most Women want Men who have a stable or permanent Job at the same time ask for First Meeting after a few Days of talking which was Impossible because my holidays were not near. This was a Problem. What will be your reaction in such a Situation.

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  27.   Hanna12121 says:
    Posted: 30 Mar 18

    Such a lovely love story. It gives me faith. Love the couple.

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  28.   Ch3rryme says:
    Posted: 11 Mar 18

    Such a beautiful story . I am so extremely happy for them. It goes to show the mature side of men and women. I know one day i will have a story just as blissful to tell. I thought i had the greatest story and then it got erased. I sometimes get lonely but i continue to seek God and wait for him to allow the right person to find me, My parents have passed on and will never see me walk down the isle but with the inspiration from these two i know my day will come. God bless you both

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  29.   Pretyio says:
    Posted: 06 Mar 18

    Wow, happy for you guys. I'm still searching for Mr Right

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  30.   5166 says:
    Posted: 06 Feb 18


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  31.   wannydee says:
    Posted: 30 Sep 17

    Lovely encouraging for me to wait till I get the right one here..

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  32.   Augs says:
    Posted: 05 Aug 17

    This story encourages me to be patient i as well will meet my king I love love I am a romantic woman I hope long life and happiness always for this couple congrats!

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  33. Posted: 27 Jun 17

    Such a sweet story with meaningful advice, too. Thank you!

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  34.   chiccha says:
    Posted: 08 May 17

    This story and many others inspired me so much. I believe in true love and destiny. If only we can throw away our old baggage and come clean we could be able to be happy again. I am just picking my pieces of self. Just met a nice and truthful guy on this site last month and we just click like magic . We had chemistry and many things in common. We whatsaap , Skype calls and phone calls. As the burning fire gets closer he booked for a flight to visit me from US to Germany this May ending and we promise to hold on searching until after meeting then we could decide on next level. Because am an ardent reader of successful stories in this site I kept logging in reading and some time shares the stories with him until someone sent me a friendship request began to ask flirt and out of curiosity I answered him but never told him am hoping to meet a member soon . After a day thereafter my first guy block me off and told me that he sent a friend to flirt on me that what i did was cheating in a way that he told me that his ex wife cheated on him that was why he left. That he has cancelled his flight and no more visiting and he deleted all his contact without giving me chance to explain. Rather the imposter friend of his wrote me detecting how I should not contact the guy again , that he has asked him not to see me cancel his flight etc. Then after a day the real guy sent me a message apologizing saying that the extent we were that I didn't deserve that harsh messages from his friend , though everything is over that his friend has advice him not to see me inoder not to hurt us more. It really shattered my life and was down for complete 3days not knowing what to do . We were so much into each other and honestly he is my dream man but as luck may have it he left me. It gives me a lot pain and feel like I betrayed his trust but honestly I never meant to hurt him . I hope my dream man will come and I believe if ever he is meant to be mine it shall come to pass. I guess I have learnt my lesson in a hard way. Ladies beware!!!!

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  35.   Maya2017 says:
    Posted: 08 May 17

    At first i was mistaken to think that old people are mature enough not to break other people' hearts until someone broke mine. Of late i flirted with a 71yr old man who dumped me without realising how hurt i would be.we chatted lovingly and i enjoyed it hoping i had found him. Are these stories real ?

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    • Augs says:
      Posted: 05 Aug 17

      Queen Maya thank Gid he dump you sooner than later, he wasn't the one for you your true love will show up be patient that's his lost my dear there is no coincidence in life he probably have something to hide and he new you wouldn't put up with good luck my dear.

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    • GoldApple says:
      Posted: 01 Oct 17

      I have been asking my self the same question, are these stories true!?

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    • Sparyo says:
      Posted: 06 Feb 18

      Me too i was thinking the same qn

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  36.   aac9501 says:
    Posted: 03 May 17

    Absolutely wonderful

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  37.   Apple-17 says:
    Posted: 21 Mar 17

    Am inspired by this story and I intend to wait patiently for my Prince charming to come sweep me off my feet though I have not up graded due to constraint in my finances.

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  38.   blkbeauty99 says:
    Posted: 15 Mar 17

    wow,that's so beautiful!!! I'm inspired to wait patiently for my king...God bless them!!!

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  39.   reallycute says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 17

    What a great story thanks for sharing.

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  40.   Dought says:
    Posted: 11 Mar 17

    With God all things are possible

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  41.   Matiniz says:
    Posted: 15 Feb 17

    That's great story thanks to God because if god is in the of you two anything will be great I wish you the best in your life

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  42.   powde says:
    Posted: 14 Jan 17

    This is beautiful look at this may the lord shine his heavenly light opon you lovers i could learn alot from u papi teach me and i will teach others

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  43.   Benduk says:
    Posted: 07 Dec 16

    For sure never late to love I might get mine soon

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    • moveti says:
      Posted: 04 Mar 18

      Get yours and start preperation how will u b treating. your lover

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  44. Posted: 07 Dec 16

    God is wonderful in his own way. He mk real love meet at the right place at the right time. I love this testimony. I pray God ti mk my own come fast.

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  45.   kweya says:
    Posted: 04 Nov 16

    God's time is the best. Hope to find the love of my soul soon

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  46.   Karadin says:
    Posted: 28 Oct 16

    God, give me my lovely to

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  47.   Karadin says:
    Posted: 28 Oct 16

    I pray to God all time to give me my lovely woman

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  48.   Karadin says:
    Posted: 28 Oct 16

    I so love this history, mais open my way to see a wonderful human

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  49.   mydestiny11 says:
    Posted: 26 Oct 16

    Congratulations guys! Your story motivated me not to lose hope in finding the right one.

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  50.   odeam says:
    Posted: 01 Sep 16

    Wow congrats

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